
Anyone interested in corresponding in Akkadian Or Sumerian Languages?

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I am currently setting up a program to set the keyboard to cuneiform characters used by both. And my character coding uses the Code of Hammarabi as platform language. I can only read and loosely interpret in the language. But would love getting into the pronunciation as well. I have a small collection of written brick documents, mostly containing things describing trade, worker productivity and bronze inventories for farm laborers tools. And of course I also have a couple nice reproductions of the Epic of Gilgamesh and Epic of Sargon the Great. Both used for texts in the Akkadian Language. Even got a few brick defacements from non other than Saddam the Great's 1990's restoration of the wall around Babylon. (yes the recent Iraqi ruler. He may have been a tyrant but most archaeologists I know loved him.) US Military in Iraq has don't a heck of a lot of destruction to ancient artifacts. I'm pretty rusty. Haven't practiced either language much since 1986, and will have to shake the cobwebs out. Not your thing, I also have some Incan writings. But know nothing at all of the language.




  1. I wish I could find somebody like you who wanted to practice Latin or Old English!

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