
Anyone invested in silver (phisical form) for the long term?

by Guest63967  |  earlier

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if yes explain how long and why please




  1. i hold physical silver for the long haul meaning 5-10 years minimum.  the reasons are simple, the world is looking to go to a stable currency.  many countries and institutions are buying gold and silver in anticipation of a hyperinflation of the dollar.  in the next 10 years it's very likely that the dollar will not be the world's currency of choice.  dollar flight would essentially wipe out any savings or other investment denominated in dollars while hard money like gold and silver would retain their value.

  2. Silver is a small but significant portion of my savings.

    I only have a little bit physical (enough to pack and carry so I could leave the country with and scrape by for a few weeks), but mostly have etf funds like SLV DBS.

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