
Anyone joined The Millionaire League or Six Figures Yearly?

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I joined The Millionaire League about 2 days ago and I just need to make money now. It seems like it will take a while. I haven't made any money yet. I paid for the program but I don't have any more money to invest.

I want to make money without putting out any more money.




  1. HAHA, i think what?'s answer is pretty funny, but anyways...i am not familiar with the club, so you should probably tell a little bit more about it.  But i concur with What?.  I think they may be trying to take your money....I mean, even if it does help you a little bit, it helps them even more.

    My suggestion: Dont offer them anymore moeny...

  2. I have never used the Millionaire League myself, but I do make money on-line. I think you should go back to the sales page and have a look for a money back period, you can normally claim your full money back within a 30 day period, some programs extend that to 60 day or more. You will need to email the support desk and ask them how you go about claim a refund.

    If you are still interested in making money on-line as an extra income (I'm not assuming you don't have a day job, the way what? did), I would take a look at some other programs, if you have the time to invest in them you can make an extra couple of hundred a month. Forget becoming Millionaire on-line, and start by just making $100, it is a far better way to use your time, than putting people down what?

    Take a look here >>

    I've made some money from each those programs.

    Hope this helps.

  3. when they advertised themselves as the "millionaire league" did you really think that it meant that THEY would make YOU a millionaire?  No, it meant that YOU would make THEM millionaires by throwing away any investible assets that you had.

    if you want to make money without having to shell out any money, though, there is a legit program that has worked quite well for millions of people around he world: it's called getting a job.

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