
Anyone know 2 ways the United Nations has impacted modern society?

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its for a paper, so as much info as possible would be highly appreciated




  1. Impact society.  Well, it has certainly helped to increase the number of people, which is probably the biggest impact on society.  United Nations programs such as the UNDP, UNAIDS, and UNICEF have all collaborated to help produce trends that have reduced poverty, improved development, fought hunger, promoted health, and created economic programs for sustainable development.  Micro and Macro loans from the UNDP have allowed countries and individuals to get up on their feet and further themselves, economically and socially.  All of these impacts have basically caused a swelling of the international society, causing our population to balloon tremendously, and it will continue to do so for decades to come.  Whether the end result could be good or bad is yet to be seen.

  2. Increased corruption  around the world in my opinion .

  3. They have killed a lot of people through their "humanitarian missions".

    They have also stolen a lot of stuff through their "relief missions".

  4. The International Human Rights Framework (universal legal guarantees), which was set after World War II by the UN to ensure that the atrocities that happened during the war will not happen again.

  5. United Nations had maintained peace through the Security Council by preventing superpowers to abuse its influence in poor countries.

    The UN also contributed much for the protection of cultural heritage of different countries and help in the development of education.

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