
Anyone know a days of the week song?

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I have been trying to teach my 4 year old the days of the week. I know there has to be a song. Anybody know one?




  1. Barney does a song that's simple and easy to remember, tune of Oh My Darling Clementine

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday,

    There are 7 days, there are 7 days, there are 7 days in the week.

  2. Days of the Week

    (to the tune of "Oh My Darling Clementine")

    There are seven days, there are seven days,

    There are seven days in the week.

    There are seven days, there are seven days,

    There are seven days in the week.

    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday,

    Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday,

    Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

  3. OOH... that Barney days of the week song is a big hit in my house right now, and my 2 year old won't let me forget the words any time soon! Your child will learn the days very quickly with that one. (I won't bother putting the words up, since they already have been posted!)

    Good luck! :o)

  4. To the tune of "Oh My Darling Clementine"

    There are seven days

    There are seven days

    There are seven days in a week

    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

  5. 'Friday I'm in love' by The Cure. Perhaps not the best choice for pre-scoolers though!

  6. (sung to the tune of the Addams Family theme song)

    Days of the week (snap snap)

    Days of the week (snap snap)

    There's Sunday and there's Monday,

    There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday,

    There's Thursday and there's Friday,

    And then there's Saturday!

    Days of the week (snap snap)

    Days of the week (snap snap)

  7. happy days theme song!!!

  8. Old boarding house song...

    Today is Monday, today is Monday.

    Monday -- wash day!

    Is everybody happy?  Well I should say.

    Today is Tuesday, today is Tuesday.

    Tuesday -- string beans!

    Monday -- wash day... etc.

    Today is Wednesday, today is Wednesday.

    Wednesday -- Zo-oup!  [soup]

    Tuesday -- string beans... etc.

    and on with Thursday -- roast beef, Friday -- fi-ish, Saturday -- payday, Sunday -- church!

  9. craig david - seven days

  10. I think it's the Beatles:  8 days a week.  My kids' school has a version only it's 7 days a week...same tune, different words!  I love it!

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