
Anyone know a good Charity?

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I got a PS2 for christmas, but recenty upgraded to a PS3. I want to give it to a charity that will not make any money, but will give it to someone who can't afford one. No "sell it at EB Games" or "I'll take it" answers please. I live in burnaby. (near vancouver, so something local, please




  1. Take it to a local church and ask if they will hold a raffle,The money from the raffle to be given to charity of your choice,and the game goes to who ever won the raffle.Two birds one stone.It is also possible the pastor knows of just the right child.

  2. Always remember that GOOD CHARITY has no border (place or country), no limit (any amount any kind), no relation(to anyone), no pride & honour (no asking for return) but MUST HAVE HEART & LOVE.

    In children home, ask to give it to the most needed kid and look at the kid when he/she receives it......... you will have the greatest satisfaction of life to see the heart felt SMILE.  That is enough as a repayment of your charity.

    If for ALL, then pass it to a church or a charity organisation as  a prize for their charity Draw.  Or just follow another suggestion as given by your reader and you think is RIGHT.

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