
Anyone know a good place to visit in ontario?

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somewhere fun with attractions or games




  1. I answered your other question with a huge answer, but in terms of attractions or games, most of downtown Toronto works. Also Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls is a whole street of nothing except food and attractions, gaming, etc.

  2. Owen Sound Summerfolk Festival..approximately in August. OR, Toronto at night. Then there is the Aboriginal Festival in Sudbury. Too bad you missed the Winter Carinvals up here.

  3. The market it fun in Ottawa. It's downtown, and it's an outdoor market with syrup, fruit, collectibles, clothing, pure fun. It's not like a flea market, just a fun artisan area.

  4. You know that everybody likes to party on a Saturday nite,go to downtown Toronto cause Yonge street knows how to parrrrrrty :p

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