
Anyone know a good "Renters Insurance Company"?

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Live in an Apartment and I would like to purchase some Renters insurance to cover any damages that may happen. I want to make sure it's a good legit company and not some rinky dinky place. Thanks ahead of time for all your answers.




  1. As with any insurance company, check their AMBest rating and it will tell you if the company is a strong one or not.  Stay with companies rated in the A range and you will be ok.  Check with your auto agent to see if you can get a multiple policy discount if you place your renters with the same company.  If not, your agent might have a company that you can move to that does offer that discount.

  2. State Farm has a good renter's insurance policy. It will cover the loss your personal property in the event of theft or damage such fire etc. You don't need to work about damage to the apartment itself as the property owner's insurance covers the apartment and the building.

    Whenever you get a quote get the Best Rating and don't select a company with a rating below an A.

    It is really smart of you to be thinking about renters insurance. So many people rent, then a person in another apartment starts a fire that spreads throughout the building. The other tenants lose all their clothes and furniture and don't have any insurance to replace their personal belongings.

  3. depends on where you live and what companies are available to you.  I have my auto and renters with Erie.  they are a  GREAT company.  try your company you have your auto with as most will give a discount on putting both lines of business with them.  this can help lower your auto also.  make sure the company has an "A" rating!

  4. My auto insurance is State Farm, and I get my renters insurance from them as well.  It's a pretty negligible annual fee, and they always provide top service for me.

    And I concur with the other answerer, renters insurance covers theft or damage to your property, not to the actual apartment (like flooding in the kitchen that damages your floor tiles, or the ceiling caves in).

  5. MetLife is a good company and  probably has one of the best renters insurance policies out there, at a competitive price.... as long as you have a decent credit score.  Insurance companies base their premiums on claims and insurance credit score, so if you pay your bills on time and have good credit, then you will get a better premium.  MetLife also provides a small amount of coverage for the actual apartment (dwelling coverage) in case you make improvements such as carpeting, new windows, etc. that your landlord won't pay for, but approves you to do.  Just make sure to keep your receipts for proof.  If you haven't had renters coverage before, I recommend a minimum of $300,000 of personal liability coverage in case someone would get hurt and you would be liable.   As far as personal property coverage, make sure you think hard about the amount of coverage you want.  If a tornado came thru and destroyed EVERYTHING, from your clothes, television(s), furniture, etc. how much would it cost to replace??  Make sure you get an adequate amount of personal property coverage.  It takes a lot of $$ to replace everything you had.  You can go to or talk to a local agent who sells it.  Good luck!

  6. renter policies cover for personal property damage, theft and also for liability, if someone is injured and your negligient. No coverage for property damage to actual apartment.

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