
Anyone know a good tobacco container?

by Guest55576  |  earlier

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i know people are going to do that stop smoking c**p idc im going to anyway

i recently tried rolling my own cigarettes and wow what a difference way better than marbs i usually go outside to smoke so my house doesnt smell like smoke so when i have people over its not as noticable but i recently got a pack of open tobacco and it made my office smell like tobacco so what i want to know is tupperware airtight or could you suggest another container to not make my office smell like tobacco?




  1. Tupperware is airtight and I can't imagine it would allow the scent into the room except when you open the lid (as with any container).  We currently have several containers of appropriate size and shape for storing your tobacco (yes, I'm a Tupperware Lady, but who knows Tupperware better?!) and I'd be happy to help you find what you're looking for if you'd like to give me an idea of what you'd like your container to look like.  We even have divided containers available so you can store all your supplies in one container!  We also have a variety of smaller containers so you can pack the cigarettes after you roll them and take them with you to work or where ever without worrying about them going stale or getting smashed.  I know hand rolled cigarettes are much better when they're fresh.  I don't personally smoke, but my parents did for decades and my brother still does and he's certainly no stranger to rolling his own.

    In response to another answer given, Tupperware is the least likely plastic to "leach hormones" because it is such high quality.  With 2 different plastics currently available, leaching is very unlikely if it's possible at all.

  2. Store it in wood or glass - please not tupperware - it will leach hormones into your tobacco.

  3. If you are looking for something small, go to the store and buy a box of the new SNUS pouches.  These are tobacco pouches you slip between your upper lip and gum.

    Keep your large container at home, but put just enough to roll cigarettes in these pouches.

    If you do prefer airtight Tupperware.  We make a small container called a smidget, one called a midget and a snack sized cup which would be perfect for this purpose.

    I gave up tobacco in 2001.

    I hope one day you find a way to quit.

    BTW, Tupperware doesn't seep hormones as one of your responders said.  That's just too funny!!

    Good luck!!

  4. dude get real the only container is the trashcan quit smoking now

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