
Anyone know a good way to catch a feild mouse?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i put down two snap traps where I know the mouse has been(droppings all under my cabinet). I put peanut butter on it and left it over night. When I checked it the next morning all the peanut butter was gone and the dang trap wasn't moved or anything. I didn't think mice were that smart. I can't use poision cause I have two dogs and a 4 yr old, plus I think it's cruel. I won't use glue boards cause they sit there and suffer or they naw there own leg off. Thats just mean. Any other ideas? I also have a 2 week old daughter and I want this mouse caught. Something quick though. Thanks in advance.




  1. fielders glove

  2. I have read the mind of your little field mouse and have discovered he likes beef jerky, Teriyaki flavored.  Tie a little piece to the snap trap.

  3. Contact a local pest (REMOVAL) company. There are generally very inexpensive and are usually trained in wild animal catch-and-release. I know they are annoying but you might end up buying a little crate for him. It would be a great an awesome little pet for your 4 year old.

  4. Go to home Depot/Lowe's and they have a mouse walk in trap                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for about $10.  You'll catch the mouse and anything else that's in you house.  Then, you can take it  the woods and let it go.

  5. Peanut butter is great bait but it's easy to steal.  You can either keep going--the mouse will get careless--or use another bait.  I'd say, do both.  

    Keep the one trap with the peanut butter going, since it likes the bait and the mouse will invariably slip up.  Wrap a piece of thread loosely 2-3 times around the peanut butter and trigger, it will make it more difficult for the mouse to steal.  You don't have to tie it.

    In the meantime, put out two other traps.  One, put an m&m or other hard candy, and super-glue it to the trigger.  The other one, cut a sliver of raw bacon and secure it to the trigger with thread.    

    FYI, you probably have more than one mouse...  So keep the traps going for 30 days after you catch it.  If you catch another one, reset for another 30 days.  And so on.

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