
Anyone know a good way to make compost ?

by  |  earlier

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I have a good pile of grass, plants, and stuff ready to make compost, instead of throwing it away it would be much better if it is reused in the garden.

but I don't remember verywell how to make it, it's been many years since I made it.

Thank you.




  1. Pile it up add some kitchens scraps, such as anything from vegetable, fruits, coffee grounds, including filter, tea bags.  Anything from the kitchen that is raw, no grease or meats though, they will attract mice and rats.  Moisten a little with water and cover, turn once each week, it may take all summer, but you will have a good compost by next spring.  There are things you can buy that speed it along. I have three piles, one that is ready to use, one that is almost there, and the one that is just started each spring.  If gives me compost all summer.  I will take you just one season to start the three piles. The only thing I buy to rush one pile, is composted manure, that I add to the first pile I start, then by the time next season rolls around the other pile is ready and so on.

  2. Composting guide can be found at this blog (multi language) Hope this comprehensive guide will help you.

  3. There are products you can buy at your local department store to speed up the decomposition rate of your leaves. Another way to get fertile soil is to look in your local area for compost or mulch sites that give it away for free. I know of 2 of them in my area.

  4. try this link

    hope it help

  5. Don't just bury it in your garden!!!  I have been doing that for years and yes, the soil is soft etc. but the plants are not getting the nitrogen they need to grow because green stuff leaches all of the nitrogen out of the soil to process itself into useful fertilizer.  I think air and water are two things needed to make compost.  That means you need to turn it to get air into it and keep it wet so it will "work" or ferment.  You can add sugar or a can of beer to get this process going.  You can add newspapers etc. but remember....anything impure in what you add to your compost pile will end up in your home grown food!!

  6. fastest easiest way to use it in the garden is to bury it right in the garden


    lots of sites there...

    best advice I have is to pay attention to the percentage of browns and greens.... the water is important.... so is turning if you want compost sooner...... a good jump start is rabbit food (alfalfa)..... when you're out of browns, use newspaper.... I keep fall leaves in tightly sealed bags to use in spring when there is none.... and the alfalfa in fall when there's little greens around.... don't forget your coffee grounds, tea bags, paper towels, etc.... it will come back to you as you get into it again....

  8. If I can remember I think you start at the bottom with old news paper then from there on you just go brown and green. A layer of brown stuff like dead leaves and sticks then a layer of green matter. Each layer around six inches deep. Each layer gets a sprinkle of lime just to stop it from getting to sour. Leave it to cook for a week or so to kill off any seeds or old roots of weeds then start turning it over to mix it up.Hope this sounds about right.

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