
Anyone know a way to rent books?

by  |  earlier

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I was just thinking, my sister does -alot- of reading. She probably spends over $1000 every year on books alone. Most of them she only reads once, tosses them in her closet and never looks back.

Is there any, kind of like, a video rental store, but for books? It would save her alot of money.




  1. Join a library!

  2. A library is the only place I know hat will do that, and library's are usually free. But I am sure if you google it you'll find something, there is a business for everything these days.

    Hope I was of help ^w^

  3. ahhh the library

  4. go to the library

  5. Ummm....the library.  Usually free.  Nothing like free! :)

  6. er a libary?

  7. A library!!

    Oh dear lord. Is this what the modern age has come to?

    Get her to sell the books on Amazon too or donate them to charity.

  8. I agree with the library!! It is free unless your books are overdue.

    $1000 is a lot to spend on books she may only read once.

  9. Yes, there are several online book rental services that follow the Netflix business model.

    Some of them are: (that is the one I am subscribed to)

    I use one of these services because my library's selection of the type of book I prefer is good but a bit limited for me (specially as it pertainst to new releases).  I have saved a LOT since I made the decision to join one and I have access to all new releases (as long as they are not in hard back).  I also have the option to purchase new releases if I like them.

  10. I think Booksfree is your answer. There are a lot of good things about this service, especially if the library is not for your sister (too far, not enough books, etc)

    1. It's like Netflix for books. You subscribe to a monthly plan, then select books, they send it to you, you send it back when you're done. Plans start as low as $10/month. Higher level plans mean you can have more books at once so you can pick a plan that is at your reading speed.

    2. They cover audio books, too, if you're interested. And they'll send you all the audio books discs at once.

    3. Your sister can donate all her books for credit towards other book rentals, in case she's got a ton of unwanted books right now.

    4. Free shipping both ways, all the time.

    5. You can buy her a gift membership really easily to get her started.

    6. You can also just try it out with their a la carte option instead of jumping into the monthly option right away.

    7. If she likes a book she rented, she can buy the book right away at a discounted price.

    If you check out the testimonials, people definitely save a lot of money.

    Check the link below for more information.

  11. I haven't heard of a business like that, besides a library (which is obviously borrowing, not renting).

    I would highly recommend though; it's a website where you can buy and sell used books.  Have her to dig out all those books and sell them there.

    Here's a link:

  12. Because of the existence of library, where they "rent" books for free, you will probably not find a "for pay" book rental business.

    What your sister might want to try is a used book store. You can pick up books there for a fraction of the normal cost. Plus she may be able to sell some of her old books to cover the count of the new. Plus many used bookstores will take your books in exchange for different ones.  

  13. Goggle LimeWire. Download the free version and search for the book. Download it. Before running it be sure you scan it with an anti virus program since viruses float around. Before you download it, be sure to check the size near the left corner. If it states an unrealistic size (aka .02 Kilobytes) do not download it. Most books range from 100 kilobytes to 5 megabytes, if it's out of that range it is most likely not a book. To prevent movies from popping up you can limit your search to documents alone. The free version of LimeWire is not limited but it isn't as fast as the type you buy. It might be illegal but I don't think so. You might want to check before you use it as some places in The UK monitor people who use illegal software. Enjoy.

    If you don't want to do that then you can visit which is legal but asks you to delte the books after two weeks (hinting that is illegal not to) and they only have books written in the 20th century as opposed to LimeWire which has almost everything.

    Oh and btw Your Avatar is super cool ;-D.

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