
Anyone know about Car stereos?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 94 cavalier and got an Xplod Mos sony stereo cd player..I just took out the factory radio to replace with this cd player I have always wanted...anyways..I thought I could install it myself the wires hook up and everything, but my ground wire from the car is too small and doesn't fit the jack that's on the sony player..what do I do?

What will happen If I don't hook up a ground wire ? Can I get an adapter for this? Please Help.....I learned from a brother how to hookup car stereos..I am a girl and my knowledge or resources are far fetch, unless I go to a professional audiocar installer, which I do not want to do...Thanks for your help....




  1. Are you using a harness adapter for your car? And if you don't hook up a ground then it will not work, it won't be some catastrophe like the other guy was saying, I don't know what they are talking about. But DC requires ground, or it won't work. It sounds like you don't have a harness for your car when you say it is too small and won't plug in, the factory harness will never plug into an aftermarket radio. If you are unsure of what you are doing bring it somewhere to have it done.

  2. you deffinatley want to hook the ground wire up. if not, not only will you short out your radio and blow it, but also your entire car electrical system. the easiest way to do it for your year and model is to go to wal-mart and get the factory harness adapter for your vehicle. they run usualy around 8 to 10 bucks *or the way the pros do it, 5 finger discount ;)* and are very simple to use. all you do is wire the color cordinate wires from the harness to the reciver *your cd player* and unplug the factory harness in the car and plug in  the new on that you hooked to your radio. and thats it. just dont forget to plug in the antenna into the radio *big black wire with metal plug* it shouldnt take no more then like 20 minutes for the install, and thats for a beginer. also one more thing, you want to use crimps instead of wire nuts. they hold alot better and longer. just make sure the crimp is tight and you use the correct gauge crimps. these too are color coded. i belive the red ones are the correct gauge for your stereo, but dont quote me.

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