
Anyone know about DIAMOND AUDIO? Will this Amp/Sub/Box go good together..? I dont want to blow my sub...?

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Hey everyone! I just got this amp's a Phoenix Gold RYVAL V8001 1,600 WATT MONO-BLOCK CAR AMPLIFIER and it's 800 watts RMS, but I hear it's underated and actually can put out 1200 watts that worried me a little since my sub is only rated at 750 watts RMS...I don't want to blow it...but the sub I have can also handle more power than what it's rated at, so I thought this would be a perfect combo. The exact model subwoofer I have is a DIAMOND AUDIO M6 MK 2 15D2 DVC 2 OHM SUB- which when I bought said it was only 500 RMS but I think the seller made a mistake, because I looked this model up on several websites and it says this sub is actually 750 RMS but can handle even more than I figured the sub could easily take 1000 RMS(it's a 15 inch sub), but this amp I have is pretty powerful, even though it's only rated at 800 rms. So, I will have just this ONE sub for my hookup. If this setup is OK, how would you recommend to wire it? The sub is a 2ohm sub and the amp is a mono block class D amplifier. And here is a description of the box I got as well- 15" SINGLE PORTED VENTED 3/4" MDF CAR SUBWOOFER SUB BOX- So, what do the experts(or anyone who has ever used this sub) think of this setup? Will it last? Will it hit hard?Thanks in advance for any help, as I already purchased everything so I'm stuck with this setup unless I resold it. PS- also will I need a special alternator or another battery for this setup? I guess I'll know for sure after I hook it up...but I didnt need one for my last setup, but the amp was only a Rockford this setup will be a little more powerful...(but it's just one 15 I'll be using)




  1. your amp is really pushin about 400 watts total so go for it  no problem

  2. Diamond audio and phoenix gold are both well respected companies that have been around a long time.

    You'll be fine with that amp. Just make sure that the gain is set properly. Use this guide.

  3. diamond audio is not a good brand at all neither is phoenix gold is lower class almost like walmart and if its a mono amp then its more than likely supposed to be 1600 watts but its not overrated cause it will blow before ur subs will

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