
Anyone know about Inderal?

by  |  earlier

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I was just realeased from a detox for benzo-dependancy. I'm diagnosed schizoaffective with severe panic & I'm very emotionally unpredictable, I'm screaming and fighting, then the next second I'm histerical crying. A doctor at the detox reccomended me to go on Inderal, I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about this or if anyone has any personal experiences? Thanks




  1. check this site out to satisfy your curiosity ^_^  

  2. Inderal is an old, commonly used medication that has been used and continues to be used in the treatment of symptoms associated with panic and other forms of anxiety.

  3. Good drug for u. It is proporanolol and regulates heart beat.

  4. hi,the other name of inderal is propranolol and its a drug for heart palpitation its two dose 10 and 40 mg  also it can control stress and bad emotion ,dont worry its a good drug ,i take it and i am ok .good luck

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