
Anyone know about Kansas City?

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Kansas City is divided between Kansas and Missouri by the Mississippi did this happen? I'm guessing that it was one city that ended up between two states after either Kansas or Missouri became a state? I am at a loss to see the advantage of having one city spread over two states...can anyone help explain this to me? Thank you !




  1. Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KA are separated by the confluence of the Missouri and Kansas Rivers. The Mississippi is on the other side of the state. I live in Missouri...oh and Kansas City, Kansas is a Satellite City.  Satellite towns are smaller municipalities that are adjacent to a major city which is the core of a metropolitan area.

  2. It just grew up on both sides of the river.  Many cities are like that, eg:  St Louis, MO and East St Louis, IL, Memphis, TN and West Memphis, AR.  I don't know about the comparative time lines for the cities and the states.  I think it was 1861 when Kansas became a state.

  3. Kansas City Kansas is a satellite city of Kansas City Missouri.

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