
Anyone know about how much a decent house in germany would cost in american $?

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somewhere in the black forest region




  1. I'm from Karlsruhe,  just north of the Black Forest. You will find real estate in reasonably habitable shape starting from US$ 60.000 in that general region. There is no limit upwards, but I would say if you are willing to part with $100.000, you've got yourself a decent house. There are surprisingly good deals to be had even in big cities. It doesn't really make much of a difference where you're trying to buy. But rural areas can still give you amazing things at astonishingly low prices, if you on't mind living out in the sticks among weird people. Good luck!


  3. I do not know how much a home in Germany cost but in the USA, it depends on what state and how far out of the city you would be.  Could be from 60,000 USD to millions!

  4. Let's just say that for how much I paid for my "normal size" house in Germany,  I could have had a mansion in the US.

  5. I am German living in the States now. I was born and raised in Freiburg (southern part of the Black Forest).

    It depends all on where you would go. If you would want to have a house in Freiburg it would cost you around 300.000 USD. The houses are not as bis as houses in the US. Most of the times 3 bedrooms and around 1500- 1700 square-feet. In this size a family with four people life. You have always a basement (mostly not included in the square-footage), no air con (but therefore a decent electricity bill), and bathrooms with tiles from the floor to the ceilings. The houses are out of stones so much better insulated than houses out of wood ( I life in Texas;-))

    If you want to go to a more rural place a house might be bigger and cheaper.

    In the cities condos are very popular and also townhouses.

    Say hello to the Black Forest.

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