
Anyone know about suboxone?

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i had a pain pill addiction for a very long time and now i'm on the suboxone treatment i'm supposed to take 3 a day but i found out i was pregnant and he told me to continue on the 3 a day but i dropped down to one and sometimes just a half i on my own i was wanting to stop completley but they said it would cause stress on my baby please can someone tell me if they have took the suboxone while preg or if they know what i should do my dr told me that the med.want effect the baby at all i love this baby and the last thing i would want to do is hurt it




  1. Yep, you've got to take it until possibly you could be very, very slowly weaned off. Otherwise your baby would suffer withdrawal symptoms which would be really bad. Women who take methadone even have to take it while pregnant. (They can detox the baby safely once he or she is born.) Suboxone, by the way, has a great track record of keeping people in recovery. And relapse would definitely be way worse for your baby. Doctors who are allowed to prescribe suboxone from their offices have special, specific training in suboxone, so your doctor knows how to handle this.

    Believe me...I'm a psych nurse who works a lot with D & A clients...and I'm usually pretty much anti-medication. But this one definitely helps people.


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