
Anyone know about the low glycemic index diets?

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what foods can you eat? what is it all about anyway?

i'm looking to lose weight, but not by starving myself. i've tried low-fat diets but they don't work for me.




  1. Eat foods made by nature, not man-made foods designed to make you fat and addicted to food. Which has more calories: a plain potato or one with a healthy fat like olive oil? The latter. Which is more fattening? The former. How can this be? The fat slows down the calories going into the blood (see glycemic load and glycemic index) making it less fattening. It is not about how many calories but how fast they enter the blood. But plant foods have fiber. Fiber provides no calories, is filling and also slows the calories entering your blood.

    Kevin Trudeau says in Natural Cures,

    "In the Natural Cures book I talk about the fact that the sun does not cause skin cancer. The sun is needed for life. If you do not spend time in the sun you will be sick. The sun is vital for health, longevity and to be disease free....Without sunlight you develop diseases including depression, lack of energy, poor sleep, poor digestion, weight gain, arthritis, constipation,  body odor, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, ADD, stress, headaches, susceptibility to colds and flus, PMS, infertility, anxiety and more."

  2. everyone should be consuming mainly low GI foods, not just those with diabetes.  the key to reducing body fat stores is by controlling insulin through the diet.  a low calorie, low GI diet will always be optimum for short and long term health.  medical study has shown a direct correlation between the glycemic load of the carbs consumed in the diet with the level of body fat that a person carries.  a low GI diet results in a lean body while a high GI diet results in excess body fat.

    * low fat diets can be counter productive.  when the dietary fat intake is reduce to below 20% of the daily calories it causes decreased testosterone production.  when test levels are decreases so are the levels of circulating androgens in the blood which causes a decrease in the metabolic rate.  a decrease in the metabolic rate mean decreased fatty acid oxidation.  there is so much more to fat loss than simply cals in vs. cals out.

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