
Anyone know about the poker tourneys at foxwoods in ct.?

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schedules, buy ins, people who play, etc...




  1. The only thing I would say about mrkeiths answer above is use the ling he gave you.

    The structure is a little fast but you average 10-15 hands a round if you are not a table full of nitwits.

    The new Turbo tournaments at 9AM are fun.

    The S&G's are very profitable if you play an ultra-tight/aggressive style

  2. Here is the complete foxwoods schedule

    The people playing in these tournaments are 75%-80% weak-tight and about 20%-25% who know what they're doing.  The problem is with the blind and ante structure.  It's really fast.  I played one daily $80+$20 and I'll never do that again.  You start with $5,000 chips and $25-$25 blinds which sounds great.  But the levels are only 20 minutes, and in a live situation, that translated to about 5 hands per level.  Level 2 was 25/50, then 50/100, then 100/200 with a 25 ante at level 4.  I had my stack doubled at this point to a little over 10k, then level 5 hit which DOUBLED the blinds again!!!!  200/400 with a 50 ante, bringing my M down to 9 even though I'd doubled.  At this point, just 5 levels, 80 minutes into the tournament, the blinds were so large that moving all in preflop became the mandatory mathematical play for virtually every stack.

    Don't want you getting blindsided like I did.  One other big thing.  The payout structure.  It sounds good, they tell you 22% payout, or somthing like that.  Which is true, but the only people who made anything were the final 4 players.  We had 115 players start and places 25-9 all paid out $110 for a net profit of $10.  Didn't find that out till after buying my ticket either, which I didn't enjoy.

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