
Anyone know any facts about hippos?

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Anyone know any facts about hippos?




  1. You came to the right guy and I'll tell you some facts:

    1. hippos can live in a herd of 100 or more.

    2. the hippo can reach speeds of up to 30 mph.

    3. hippos are the animal with most humans killed in africa.

    4. hippos can also turn into a carnivore.

    5. hippos are knowned to sweat out an oil.

    6. hippos are the third largest land animal living after the elephant and rhino.

    7. male hippos fight for territory and the right to mate.

    8. a bull male can chomp a crocodile in half.

    9. female hippos give birth to baby hippos under water.

    10. if the mother of a baby hippo dies the other female herd members can adopt it.

    11. a female hippo has a pregnancy of 8 months.

    12. there's two species of hippo the common hippo which is 5ft tall and the pygmy hippo which is around 2-3ft tall.

    13. the pygmy hippo only live in pairs or alone and are endangered.

  2. 1. They kill more people in Africa than any other animal.

    2. They sunburn real easy.

    3. They can open their mouth almost ninety degrees.

    4. They occasionally feed on meat.

    5. They're very territorial.

  3. why the h**l do you need ot know facts about hippos?

  4. Hippos kill more people than lions or crocs put together. They are extremely territorial, and they're herbivores (plant eaters).  

  5. it can open its mouth 150 degrees

    the hippo's skin secretes a sticky pink fluid that protects the animal from dehydration, sunburn, and probably infection

    the hippopotamus is a pachyderm

    a group of hippos is sometimes called a "bloat"

    it is either the second or third largest land animal, after the elephant and (maybe) the white rhino

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