
Anyone know any good doctors in Keene, NH?

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I'm looking for a good, dr. one that will help with any kind of medical problem that might surface. Thanks to all. Please no jokes and only answer if your gonna give a straight answer. I'm looking for personal experience with a doctor in Keene, NH, I know I can look online, but I want real opinions. Thanks again




  1. Hey.  This is actually in response to a question you posted earlier about a toy you were looking for.  It may have been Skill Squares.  There were a lot of them back in the 80's.  I used to have one where you tried to shoot beads at a helicopter and get them to stay.  I also found this shooting gallery one on ebay.

    If this is the same design as what you were looking for, they are called Skill Squares by Tomy.  

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