
Anyone know any good drinking games???? I know it's been done but there old!!!!?

by Guest64718  |  earlier

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Anyone know any good drinking games???? I know it's been done but there old!!!!?




  1. evry1 chooses an animal noise - the wierder the better

    then u have 2 say ur animal noise, and one other persons.

    they then have to say their animal noise and one other persons e.t.c

    add drink nd its really funny and confusin :)

    hope that helps

  2. The Jeremy Kyle Drinking Game.

    9.30 in the morning (or record and play later in the day if your not feeling quite so hardcore) collect either shots or a beer of choice.

    Have one full shot whenever jeremy says one of his famous catchphrases:


    live on national television

    thats a fact


    Let's hear those all-important results

    Everybody gets a chance to have their say

    Look at me

    You're LYING Sir/ Madam

    and if the results are true or false?


    You   will     be   wrecked.

  3. Watch "Whithnail and I" and try to keep up with their drinking.

    Warning - alcohol consumption in this game is enough to kill an aveage male.

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