
Anyone know any good home remedies for a toddler cough?

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My daughter is 16 months and has been up the last 3 nights coughing. She is too young to give cold medication to.

I have tried Karo syrup and lemon juice. I have also tried putting Vicks on her feet at nite. Neither one seemed to help that much.

She coughs some during the day (has a runny nose today), but it is mostly at night.




  1. try mixing honey, lemon juice, and a little big of sugar...

    ...tell me if it works =D

  2. i know i am just repeating some answers given but i was going to say the cool  mist humidifier.  (doc told me to  use that when i had my first child- and it had to be cool mist)

    the steaming in the closed bathroom is good. give a bath before bed, and there are several makers of a soothing vapor bath oil.

    i have used a small amount of vicks on my youngest 2 children, and younger than 16 months...just little on chest and back, rubbed in very well.

    the vickson the feet- it  should be applied very generously and then put socks on.

    if there is any phlem or mucous sound in the cough-again stated- but elevate the head of the bed a bit...put a blanket under the mattress.

    small spoonful of honey to coat the throat

    good luck to you and your poor little should pass soon

  3. Steam, go to the bathroom, close doors and turn on the hot water for about 5 minutes. Do this before bed. Also elevate her bed. have the head a little higher then the body :)

  4. J&J makes a vapor bath soap to use, which helps...use warm, not hot water

    the vicks on the feet things works sometimes for me...just recently, my 15mth old was up coughing and i put a teeny tiny bit of the rub on her chest (her pj top fit tight enough) and made sure i rubbed it off the next morning...that helped a TON...then giving her a paci (whenever she woke up in the night) helped too...and it didn't become a habit

  5. If her nose is running she has too much mucus. Michelle is right on track with her answer, but I'll add running your humidifier. It's very simple...the more humidity in the air she breathes, the less mucus her little body will make.

  6. I think MIchelle got the only safe home remedy right.

    Once, when several of my kids were sick with colds and coughing and I hadn't been getting any sleep for several nights, my pediatrician prescribed a cough medicine with a little bit of codeine in it to help the kids sleep through most of the night. I don't like to use narcotics unless it is absolutely necessary, but I was loosing my mind from the lack of sleep and was having a hard time caring for my kids. It worked for all of us. The kids even felt better having had a good night's sleep.

    Your daughter should be on the mend. If not talk to your doctor, she could have an allergy.

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