
Anyone know any good sites to look for money for school?

by  |  earlier

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I was adding up my expenses for this upcoming school year, and I noticed that I' going to be short $2500 because of a tuition hike at my school, even though I'm working 2 jobs and get financial aid. I was wondering is their any websites out there where I can find another grant for school? I've already tried the private loan sites, but because the age of majority in Mississippi is 21, I can't get a loan without a co-signer (I know I have parents, but we aren't on speaking terms right now).




  1. You can go to

    it's about scholarships/grants information.

    Good luck

  2. nothing can be done in this situation and from any website u can not take loan. better u start to have talk with your parents

  3. as awesome site for scholarships is

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