
Anyone know any good snoring remedies?

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I've recently started snoring. i'm using breathe right nose strips and they help but they don't stop it completely. I don't mind the snoring but my poor boyfriend needs a good nights sleep!




  1. Stay awake

  2. I am afraid over the years the only working solution I have found is for your partner to use Boot's wax ear plugs.

  3. One of the best things you can do to stop snoring is to eliminate milk products. Many people snore because they have sensitivities to milk and lactose. Then, make sure you are not carrying any extra weight. This contributes to snoring.

    You are right to be concerned about snoring. If you snore, you are more likely to become obese, according to research. You also have a 67% higher risk of  suffering a stroke.

  4. you may be developing sleep apnea.  Ask your boyfriend if you stop breathing while you sleep.  if so, that is sleep apnea and you need medical help as it can cause heart condition and high blood pressure.  i have it and sleep with a thing called a CPAP machine and with it I sleep very soundly and am not tired all the time, like before.

  5. I know what you mean - the nasal strips don't seem to finish the job!

    I would suggest that the snoring is actually coming from your throat - and not from your nasal passages! Most people think it comes from the nose - but it's mostly the soft palate collapsing in your throat.

    You can get a product called Slumber Guard that holds the lower jaw in a forward position - and that keeps the throat airways clear.

    It's easy to use and looks a bit like a mouthguard - one size fits all.

    You can get them in pharmacies across Australia - and you can also order online at the link below.

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