
Anyone know any good teen team building games?

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My 11th grade class and I are planning a weekend sleepover to mark the beginning of the school year. We're a pretty close class as a whole but to get the new kids comfortable and to break the ice after summer break, does anyone know any good activities in which we can all participate? Any games or activities are really appreciated!




  1. Alright well here's a few i know.

    I Have Never:

    Everyone sits (in chairs, the only way this will work) in a circle, and there are one less chairs than there are people. The one extra person stands in the middle and says a statement. "I have never...broken my leg!" or something like that (it could be a little more interesting). Everyone who HAS done that thing that the one person has never done gets up and runs to find a new seat, as does the person in the center. Eventually, there is one person left out and they become the new person in the center. And the game goes on.

    Over the Rope:

    This one is quite tricky but it HAS BEEN DONE!! You tie a rope or string between two objects, about 5 feet high (or however high you want it) and everyone stands on one side. Your job is to, as a team,  lift everyone over the rope without touching it. You can make a human pyramid, and someone stands on the top and jumps over, or boost them up an over... anything goes! My favorite is the "Mosh Pit" where you raise the person up horizontally over your heads and pass them over the rope to the "screaming fans" (people who have already gone over to the other side) who gently let them down. The people who have already gone over to the other side can help. If the person accidentally does touch the rope, they have to get down, touch both feet on the ground, and re-attempt. The last two people do not have to go, as you could see how this would be quite impossible.  

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