
Anyone know any good volleyball cheers??

by  |  earlier

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our teams is the raptors and we need some good volleyball cheers, any kind of cheer would be helpful. especially block cheers. thanks!




  1. We will, we will ROCK YOU DOWN, SHAKE YOU UP!! MIGHTY VOLCANOS WILL ERUPT. PUT ON YOUR SEATBELT, STEP ON THE GAS,..... were ganna kick you in your...EVERYBODY!!!! (repeat)

  2. Two,Four,Six,Eight

    Your Team Likes to m********e!!


  3. Mustangs is our name,

    Volleyball is our game,

    Teal is our color,

    Black is the other,

    UH, You think you're bad,

    UH, We know we're bad,

    UH, You think you're bad,

    UH,trial please.


    We are the (school mascot) and you know what we got.

    What do you got?

    WE got a team thats hotter than hot!

    How hot is hot?

    Bumps, sets and spiking too,

    Wooo Woo Woo Woo

    So hit the ball like the rest of us do!


    Bump, Set, Hit, Spike

    That's the way we like to fight!

  4. Raptorz, raptorz oooooSNAP.

    Give that ball a gooood SLAP!

    Heads up Raptorz.  Here comes a rock.

    Get ready for another ball to block.

    I shoudl have been a cheerleader.

    Good luck.

  5. we will, we will, rock u up, shake u down. like a valcono ready to erupt. ** repeat.

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