
Anyone know any hangover cures that work?

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Anyone know any hangover cures that work?




  1. dont get drunk!?! drink lots of water before you go to bed, you'll be less dehydrated when you wake up

  2. Aspirin.

  3. Another pissup .

  4. hair of the dog! lol.

    drink loads of Orange juice as it helps the liver to get rid of the toxins and get some sachets of stuff diorreah (eg.dyralite) as it will rehydrate you again

  5. a beer in the morning.

  6. stay drunk =)

  7. Sleep.

  8. Whack yourself on the fingers with a large hammer - the pain will help you forget all about your hangover!

  9. The obvious one is to drink lots of water before you go to bed, so that you are not dehydratyed.

    If you must go out and get hammered to the point where you know you are going to be hung over the next day, you can drink a pint of milk before you go out. This helps to stop me from throwing up, and thus stops me getting less dehydrated.

    Also, opening a can of coke, then letting it go flat before you drink it really helps to settle a queasy tummy. Don't ask me how it works, it just does! :-)

  10. I have been researching this for years.  A combination of things all come together to contribute.

    1.  Drink lots of water.

    2.  Out with the bad in with the good - Pee, Poo, and if you can, Puke.  by doing this you are eliminating all of the toxins at a rapid rate.  Vitamin C and B6 are the most important vitamins you lost the night before, take these.  Eat an apple or banana, these are wonderful sources vitamins and nutrients.

    3.  Drink Gatorade, believe it or not, this is a great way to replenish your system.  

    4.  Whatever you do, don't take Tylenol, you will cause serious liver damage!

    5.  Don't stay in bed (unless you are sleeping).  Go for a walk get your blood circulated.  

    6.  Me secret remedy to curing a hangover headache is tomato juice and saurkraut, the necessary vitamins and minerals in these things are the most abundant.

    For more info, go to

  11. drink a bottle of barrs irn bru

  12. Drink two pints of water before going to bed............

  13. a cup of blood, loads of iron in it

  14. Leaving aside the obvious suggestion of not drinking enough to kill brain cells in the first place. Water and clear fluids before going to bed reduce the effects of dehydration and hypoglycemia in the morning. If you are too drunk to remember to do this, it also helps when you wake up. This leaves the headache due to aldehyde break down products, best dealt with with paracetamol, not aspirin or ibuprofen as these are irritable to your already inflamed stomach.

  15. ginseng tea

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