
Anyone know any info on Paxacol, Guatemala?

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My husband is going on a mission trip and I cant seem to find anything about Paxacol, Guatemala.

Thanks for your help.




  1. My husband and I are missionaries in Guatemala in a state bordering Quiche (Huehuetenango). I'm not sure I've heard of the town you mention, but can tell you that the American Embassy has been extremely helpful about sending us e-mails when there is a dangerous area to visit, or weather issues, and the such. Register your trips there on-line for free and get automatic updates. As far 'out-in-the-sticks' as we are, it's nice to have them sending those updates! When God is with you (or your husband), there is nothing to fear! This I speak from experience!

  2. This was a tough one and I lived in and traveled around Guatemala for ten years.  Found the answer in an archived article in La Prensa Libre (The Free Press), a popular newspaper in the country.  Paxacol is a small community within the municipality of Patzité.  This municipality is located in the southern end of the department of Quiché.  The link provided below has a map location with geographic coordinates of the area.  Try some searches on Quiché to get an idea of location, geography and history.

    You will not find much information about this community as it is out in the sticks.  There was much turmoil in this area before rebel groups signed the peace accords with the Guatemalan government back in 1996.  Still, I would not travel alone in this area until advised by the locals as to where to go and not to go.

    I do mission work in Honduras with occasional trips down there.  Despite the dangers, it has been a rewarding and life building experience.  May He be with you as you do His work.

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