
Anyone know any legit jobs for a 14 year old????

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I live in Toronto,Ontario, I'm 14 year old girl , turning 15 in July and I am looking for a Summer job. I am a pretty good writer, I work well with children(mainly ages 8 and under), and I am fairly athletic. I am not looking for a volunteer job , and I am do not want a job where i have to run around the city please help me!!!!!

Please show your sources if you can.




  1. you can do any of these easily:

    paper route.. yard work.. houses.. pet sitting.. dog walking.. dog washing..

    as for the writing i really don't know. those jobs will be available later after you finish school. what kind of writing would you like to do?

    all those i mentioned above  are cash jobs

    good luck!

  2. Cutting Lawns

  3. Holy c**p me too, I need a job and I'm turning 15 in July, haha coincidence. I'm not sure but I usually mow lawns, shovel snow, mainly yard work.

    A- My sister does some house cleaning for older couples you could do that. You would be surprised how generous those people can be. ^^

  4. I don't really know what it's like in Canada but in Missouri, if you are 15 you can work at Hyvee for a minimum wage of $6.50 an hour.

  5. be a junior counseler

    at a summer camp

    or something

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