
Anyone know any places for 15 year olds in leeds like weekend jobs?

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Anyone know any places for 15 year olds in leeds like weekend jobs?




  1. i dont, i live in sheffield. try cafes and restaurants. my sister worked in a garden centre and a hair dresser before she got to 16

  2. try the leeds markets they may want saturday staff or cafes etc etc good luck

  3. Loch Fyne Restaurant

  4. Just work in a local shop or sommat its good and gr8 pay but look out for p**i shops theyre cheep and food tastes cr@p

  5. I would try your local hairdressers...washing hair, making drinks, sweeping up etc. Not a grand job like! But i worked in one on a Saturday for a year..20 quid for 8 hours work...again, bit c**p..but its money! I probably survived better on 80 quid a month than i do now on 150!

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