
Anyone know any summer camps in ohio? that have volleyball or just anything else?

by  |  earlier

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I want it to have volleyball but it dont have to be. I want it to be like in the summer too.




  1. It depends where in ohio but you can go to sport centers like the Y or rec centers too. also high schools have summer camps just ask your school volleyball coach or search on-line!!! good luck

  2. Your best bet is to ask your coach if they are running any camps during the summer. This serves a couple of purposes, your coach knows that you are interested in getting better over the summer and if you do go to their camp, they can teach you the exact things that they want you to learn.

    The second best thing to do is check the colleges and universities in your area that has volleyball. Most of them will be running summer camps for high school/middle school age campers. This is a great way to meet coaches that coach at the next level. You can ask questions about what it takes to play in college and what you should do to find a good fit.

    Finally, if you would like to travel, go on line and check out the colleges/universities that are having camps wherever you want to go. You should be able to find overnight camps in most areas of the country.

    Good luck and have fun!!!

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