
Anyone know any tennis terminology in French?....?

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I've been watching Roland Garros, or the French Open, on TV the last couple of days. The only problem is, of course, the umpire and the commentator speak in French when informing viewers of the scores and such. I speak a little French, but not enough to understand properly. I wonder if anyone could help me with these commands I can't quite pick out:-

When the score is equal, eg '15 15' or '30 30,' the umpire will say the number - eg quinze, trente or quarante - and then follow that with another word, that I can only take to mean 'all,' eg '15 all.' Does anyone know what this word is?

And when a single game is completed, in English the umpire says "Player X leads, 5 games to 4," or words to that effect. But in French the umpire will say, "Madame/Monsieur X.....(something in French) 5 jeu a 4." I understand the last bit but cannot pick up the words in between. Anyone know what they say?

Sorry for the complicated-ness of this, but any help at all would be appreciated! Thanks!




  1. sometimes they say egal - equal -meaning both have the same. I'm not sure it's an official term, but they say it.

  2. for 15 it is quinze pronounced canz. for 30 it is trente pronounced trunt.  for 40 it is quarante pronounced caront.  Then 15 all is quinze tous, and so on.  Deuce is still deuce.  ad-in and ad-out is advantage madame or monsieur x.

  3. I happen to be french and just stumbled upon your not so complicated question while I was searching for Amelie Mauresmo's girlfriend...

    Anyway, I might help you and give you a few answers:

    1. 15 all is "15 a" in french (the lettre "a")

    2. Madame/Monsieur X "mène" 5 jeux à 4 (mener= lead)

    Hope that helps you enjoying Roland-Garros better!

  4. trios_134, for deuce they say egalite.

    For "game" they say "Jeu".

    Now if someone knows how 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.... are said in french (for the tie breaker)

    I wonder as to why the French Open doesn't require the judges to announce the score in english after the french? All other clay court tournies announce the score in their local language and then in english. Is it that they are so arrogant in expecting everyone to know French just because it's the 2nd most popular language in the world? For me, I just see the score on the screen but would it harm if they announced the score in english also?

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