
Anyone know anything about CANADA ECOZONE Praries?

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Does anyone know anything about Canada's Ecozone PRAIRIE

1) The vegetation

2) the soil typ

3) Landscape

4) Major Cities

5) Climate

6) Wildlife




  1. Having lived on the prairies for over 40 years...

    1) lots of maple trees, sugar beets, spruce trees, green green grass, poplar trees, farming wheat and other grains.

    2) rich top soil and then depends on the specific area, clay, sandy

    3) flat with a capital F - see for miles and miles

    4) Winnipeg, Manitoba (pop 600K); Regina and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta

    5) can be harsh in winters to -40C can be hot in summer to 38C - lots of snow in winters (to end of May).

    6) known of course for Canada Geese, grizzlies and black bear, many types of deer, beaver, skunk, red squirrel and red fox, etc. etc.

    quote - "The Prairies Ecozone, spanning an area of 520 000 square kilometres, is larger than the Yukon Territory and is one of the Canadian regions most altered by human activity. Farmland dominates the ecozone, covering nearly 94% of the land base.

    Termed the Breadbasket of Canada, the Prairies Ecozone contains the majority of the country's productive agricultural cropland, rangeland, and pasture. The area is the source of much of our food and, as a result of the export of grains, oilseeds, and animal products, is an important source of foreign exchange.

    Agriculture is the major agent of change in this ecozone, influencing most native communities of plants and animals. Loss of habitat is the most critical threat to the flora and fauna. Little of the natural vegetation is left, a situation that made life difficult for some animals unique to the grasslands. Wetlands, which provide critical habitat for 50% of North America's waterfowl, have been altered by agricultural practices and only half the presettlement wetland area remains. "

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