
Anyone know anything about HHO gas?

by Guest58954  |  earlier

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I heard about it. It sounds good but is it really legit?




  1. Not actually legal. The main thing is it will not work and hydrogen is very explosive.

  2. HHO = H2O = water.

    It's water vapor, also known as steam. It isn't a gas. It can be used to power engines (Hence steam engine trains and all that fun stuff).

    As a matter of fact, steam engines finally became practical for cars when high pressure steam engines finally came to be in the early 1800s. Although there are some ideas out there for modern day steam engines in cars, the market for steam engines probably won't able to recover from it's decline after the electric starter, especially since the availability of spare parts and trained mechanics just isn't the same as it used to be.

  3. With all the scare-mongering about global warming, the escalating prices of crude oil (which flows on to many more products than just fuel), why are people so blind to the possibilities of HHO?

    Pleased to hear of your success with it Susan. Shame a few more won't speak up! Can't wait to get my system fitted.

    For some interesting facts on suppressed technologies, start your search with the website below.

  4. HHO technology is probably completely legitimate for it's practical use, in a stationary environment.

    It is based on splitting water into it's basic components(Hydrogen and Oxygen).

    It is possible to break water down to it's basic components of hydrogen and oxygen, but this comes at a cost.

    To produce hydrogen on a large scale plus  transportation costs, and the weight of the cylinders, it may actually be much more cost effective to produce the hydrogen 'as needed'!

    This is not new technology at all! I do believe that these companies have found a niche, and I wish them the best success in the future.

    This technology cannot be placed into mobile applications however.

  5. HHO gas or water for fuil has been around sence the late 1800s ,,its called hydrigen on demand now days

    the object is to split away the hydrigen from the o2 , a fire or bang needs 3 things ,fuil,o2.and a spark, by runing a small amount of elect. thru the water it causes the HH to seperate from the o2 some people are getting 300 miles to a gal  of gas with the asist oh the HH molicules being mixed with the help of your vacume system on your motor...

  6. Water vapor. It's everywhere but it's not a fuel.

  7. HHo also called the Browns gas, it could be used to power a car, basically save you money on gas. There are many guides out there that help you convert your car, the best thing is that, the conversion doesn't void your cars warranty because it is reversible! Some people may say that it is dangerous but the car's hydrogen is extracted as you drive, thus no storage and no possibility of explosion!

    There is a squidoo website that rates them, check it out:

  8. i asked a similar question just the other day and have been watch a lot of videos on youtube and nobody really proves it works well in a car. i'm starting to doubt it myself. there's some deal called GEET i think and it  may be good but i don't know;...

  9. HHO or Brown’s Gas, has been used for years, there are cutting torches that use electricity to make gas for use in industry, it’s not very efficient but if you have power, ie power line and you have to pay a lot for transportation it may be cheaper to use electrical power to make your gas then ship compressed gas in.

    It has also been use as a storage device, if you have power that you can’t use and it doesn’t cost you anything to produce it, as in a solar cell, you make the gas to burn later for power. Solar is the best example of this because unlike other forms of producing power you have no control when the solar cells are making power, after you charge your batteries and if you can’t use the power for something else it would make since to produce gas, even if it’s not efficient.

    As far as using it on a car, it’s a con, and it’s been around since before the 1970’s you get back far less energy back then what you put in. I have the math and will post it again if you post back an edit, but in the end you get back only about 20% of the energy. I know they tell you that your alternator is producing excess power, it’s not, your alternator only puts out the power you need, or that HHO is enhance the combustion of your car, it won’t. A modern car only put out about 50 ppm (parts per million) of un-burnt hydrocarbons and even if HHO was able to burn that small about of hydrocarbons (it can’t) you wouldn’t notice it nor would you get back the energy you put out to make the gas.

    Think about this

    If it really helped fuel mileage why are they not on new car? The car companies have to make the CAFÉ number and if it really increased the fuel mileage as much as they claimed up to 40%, they would be billionaires over night. Even if you believe big oil got to the US car companies and the government, why wouldn’t Japan, a country that imports ALL its oil, not be putting this on their cars? Or India, China, ETC. Think about it, big oil would have to kill this device in every county that produces cars, including South Africa which is producing ethanol to end their dependence on oil. And they would have to buy off all the testing results, and quash all the books, stop all the web sites. Notice that big oil still hasn’t quashed the web sites, or any other of the web sites pushing this device, strange. Not really, big oil isn’t worried about this because it doesn’t work.

  10. Yes, good old water vapour.  I like the name HHO though.  I reckon we should all start calling CO2 OCO or OOC or something like that, maybe people will become more curious about it.

    It can work in your car, but you need to use electricity from the alternator to split it into H2 and O2.  The H2 burns in the engine with the normal fuel.  Anyone who claims they can run a car ONLY on water (not Hydrogen gas) is a snake oil salesman.


    here a web page that tells you a little about it and that leads you to one that tells all about it and i have used the system and it does work i make drinking water with it for real

  12. No.  It is a fraud.  I promise you.  Search through my answers for more detailed explanations, or just take my word for it.

  13. I have an SUV in my driveway right this second that has an HHO system in it.  My mileage improved from 13 MPG to 26 MPG and performance improved dramatically!  I'd be very happy to show my SUV to anyone who wants to see it.  

    Prove this technology to yourself - do not listen to anyone - not even me - learn it for yourself - its the only way you will really know for sure if it works.  As for me?  I want to shout from the rooftops because its so wonderful in so many different ways!

  14. It's a scam.  That is all you need to know.

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