
Anyone know anything about a two headed quarter.?

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One side is 1988 and the other is1995.




  1. Yes. Its a fake. Part of a coin is hollowed out and another one is milled down. They are then glued together with a special cement.

  2. I had one of those once and accidentally spent it.  

    There goes my novelty quarter that I paid 6.50 for.  And to top it off...I could have gotten charged with counterfeiting ;-)

  3. I worked once at a company that had an environmental lab.  They did 'potting and polishing' there.  When a component failed they would 'pot' it in clear plastic and then they had a diamond saw that could slice it into many thin slices that could be examined under a microscope to determine how it had failed.

    The saw was quite a marvelous little machine, it had a blade that might have been .005" thick.  It could saw through just about anything. In his spare moments, the guy who ran the saw would slice quarters in half edgewise and glue two heads and two tails together.  He gave a few of his friends 2-headed quarters. I wanted one but never got to the head of the line.

    Someone told me that nobody wanted two-tailed quarters, so he just spent those.  Apparently never got in trouble either!

  4. I know the odds of it landing on a tail is slim.

    Other than that, it obviously (in my mind) couldn't be a mismint since the dates are 7 years apart.

  5. As far as I know this is not one of the error coins that slipped by in the US Mint.

    It is a gag that is used by some and sold by many. It is a fake piece. Use the site below to find out more about the fakes,

  6. It's a novelty quarter, sold at novelty shops, used by people to win bets. They flip the quarter and call heads. It has no other value beyond that. It was never minted by the US Mint.

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