
Anyone know anything about dreams? My fiance threw me out?

by  |  earlier

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My fiance and I were arguing last night. It had pretty much settled as I drifted off to sleep. I haven't been sleeping much lately so I've been really exhausted. In the middle of the night he wakes me up and says that we're over, he can't marry me when he knows we're going to wind up divorced. Somehow I went back to sleep after saying I'd leave in the morning. When I woke up this morning I woke him to ask if it was true, that we're over and if he still wants me to move out. He said I must have dreamed it, that he wants to marry me and never would say anything like that or ask me to move out of our home.

I really don't think it was a dream, what do you think?




  1. I have 42 yrs of marriage behind me ; and I have been a matrimonial counsellor for a long time ; so I will   give   you this advice ;; If you are arguing now ;how it will be once you will be married / Seek counselling for both of you to find out why ; you cannot understand each other ; or a divorce is awaiting you . About your dream ; its a warning

  2. it was probably a dream and it was probably caused by your fear that if you guys kept fighting that you would wind up divorce

  3. Man. How to approach this one? Wow, first I must congratulate you for this is the first time I've ever had to think this much about a situation. Part of me wants to say that this is the wrong section, but the other part says it's the right section.

    It's the right section because we (people) often have dreams of events that have recently happened. For instance, you could be on the computer right now looking for a game, you go to sleep, dream about finding the game on a website, wake up and forget the website (even though you remember the layout of the site and how real it looked).

    Wait... replace "game" with "dress" and it might make more sense.

    What I'm trying to say is that it might quite possibly be a dream after all. Your dream continued where you left off in reality. Not so much that you two would split. It's just you were angry when you went to sleep, so therefore your dream reflected your anger. It's important to note that one feeling cannot consume a dream without consequences. In other words if you were to have a nightmare, fear would take over your senses and you'd wake up right away. In your dream you started off angry so instead of your dream continuing that anger it balanced it with another emotion (sadness). This allowed you to have a complete dream.

    The other part of me that says that this could be in the wrong section is due to the trust between you and your fiance (Relationship section). If you have a strong trust, then you will believe him.

    The BEST thing to do in my opinion is to forget whatever happened last night. Because I'd hate to see something end just because of a (possible) dream.

    I'm really leaning towards a dream because you didn't go to bed happy therefore you didn't dream happily.

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