
Anyone know anything about electricity overhead cables supply?

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We viewed a house that has a huge cable running across the garden which connects to the wall and other cables spur off it and supply the other houses (Its in the countryside) - obviously theres no underground cables but this seems a bit dangerous - for examble, using a hosepipe in the garden could be lethal - any ideas?? Who would I contact to come and have a look? The supplier? All the cables look quite old too.




  1. I would expect the cable to be insulated if it were accesssible.

    You could ask the local electricity company, in the phone book, for advice/information.

  2. They have telephones in the countryside too.

  3. is it definitely electricity and not phone lines?

    If it is electricity I wouldn't buy the house.   My husband works for one of the electricity companies and his job is to go to people's houses and measure how much EMF is given off by overhead lines (electro-magnetic field).   Now he says there is no proven link between EMF and ill health, but there is a lot of suspicion!   He wouldn't want to live under overhead lines he says!

    But equally most bedside alarm clocks (plug in) give off more EMF than an overhead line - that's scary!

  4. Yes I do.

    I play golf where we have over head cables.

    When I put up my umberrela it crackels when going under them. It scarry!!!!!

  5. HI

    It would be a steel wired armoured cable this has the inside cable coated in plastic and then coated in an outer layer of plastic then a steel wire cover then a rubber / plastic outer cover so you would be safe ,

    they are not like pylons which are high voltage and exposed wiring,

    if you have any doubt consult ypu supplier or look on the title deeds they should be shown,

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