
Anyone know anything about

by  |  earlier

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anywhere in uk




  1. I have applied to them - got an accepted letter - but had to provide a security clearance to them before being offered any work, which I did around 2 weeks ago - I didnt pay for one as suggested as I already had one. Now I've not heard anything at all - so I'm wandering whats going on.......cant say any more than that until I manage to speak to someone there?!!

  2. Hi, I wondered about them myeself, infact I googled their name and found this question. The rates seem reasonable but I feel reluctant to part with hard cash just to let another company say I'm cool enough to get a job. Maybe if it was a huge scam there would be loads of warning info on them like this...

    If you read on there seems to be somebody called "David Horn" who owns various webs sites from which the scam is opperated.

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