
Anyone know anything about speed cameras?

by  |  earlier

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I was on two lane road, with speed camera on other side of road which is also two lanes...there are the white road markings for the speed camera on the other side of road, none on the side i was driving and I got flashed....will it still have picked up that I was speeding and get a fine?? thanks




  1. put a car tyre over the camera add some petrol inside the tyre and set alight destroy the evidence before they empty the thing

  2. it may've picked you up in the photo accidentally (flash wouldve been triggered by someone on the other side) but they wont be able to prosecute you, as without the road markings for distance/time calculations, they will be unable to come up with an exact speed for you.

  3. If there were no markings on your side, but there were on the other side then I would be amazed if you get a ticket. Normally, the cameras are set to fire at 10% plus 1 over the speed limit, so in a 40 MPH zone, they will trigger at 45mph - sounds about right given that most car speedo's are slightly inacurate.

    There are different types of speed camera, the gatso type relies on road markings to measure speed. The lines on the road are a set distance apart, the time between the camera taking it's two photos is also set. These two photos will take pictures of the vehicle going over certain areas of the paint markers on the road at an exact timing. The more paint lines that you have passed between photos, the faster you are going. If you are not on the paint lines side of the road, they may have difficulty in proving how fast you are going. Also, the actual photgraphic element of the gatso is very expensive, so they are not always loaded with a camera as it gets randomly moved around between the gatso boxes that you see at the side of the road. Go back to the camera site and see if you can see the camera through the glass - if it is loaded - you will see the camera lense. Even if it is loaded, they can run out of film, so it really is a gamble as to weather there is even a camera that took a photo.

    If you get a summons, request the photoghraphic evidence, request the calibration certificate for the camera - you have a right to see all of this. Take it all to a good solicitor and talk it over with them - do this as soon as you get the ticket as you have to return with a plea within 28 days!.... I doubt you will even get a ticket though.

  4. Could it have been flashing another car on the other side of the road. I think some do take pictures of on coming cars but I'm not sure. The best thing is to drive at the correct speed.

  5. Dont worry you wont get a ticket! This used to happen to me all the time (at least 20 times in total i would say) where i used to live and i still got a clean licence :). They're not supposed to go off when you're going the other way.

  6. Unlikely. If there were no distance markings then there is no way to measure the distance you travelled between the flashes.

    You were lucky.

    I notice you use the expression "speed cameras" Gordon and his mates in Parliament prefer us to call them "safety cameras" That's just in case we thought they were just there to make more money

  7. usually if there are no markings it won't clock you but it will still flash

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