
Anyone know anything about the diet pill Rimonabant? I've been given some by my doctor.?

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I was hoping he would give me reductil but my blood pressure was too high so he gave me these. I don't know anyone who has tried them. Do you please?




  1. No, I have not.  A good healthy diet, is what you need to follow.  Fruits, Veggies, Whole Grains, lots of water and lean protein.  Exercise, that is the cure all for everything.  Eat some Oatmeal, that will get your pressure down.  Stop Stressing.

  2. This drug is an endocannabinoid antagonist.  It block the CB1 receptor in the brain.  This is the same receptor that is activated by delta-9-THC, the active ingredient in pot.

  3. You must be in Europe because the FDA has not approved this drug in the US yet. It basically works by blocking the action of endocannabinoids (the same neurotransmitter that Marijuanna works on).

    It seems to have multiple sites of action. Within in the brain it decreases the appetite to cause a 5-10% weight loss. Unfortunately it has the side effect of depression and suicide, so I would be careful taking it.

    Outside of the brain it can also work on your liver and fat cells to improve things like diabetes and cholesterol problems. In seems to be a fairly effective medication if you don't have the psychiatric side effects.

    Good Luck!

  4. I have never tried them but I heard they're effective. I'm thinking of seeing my doctor for something for a diet pill, so let me know how they do for you. Over the counter stuff is a money gimmick I know that. Good luck!!

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