
Anyone know anything about the hollow earth theory?

by Guest67198  |  earlier

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Anyone know anything about the hollow earth theory?




  1. It isn't a theory, It's a hypothesis. Since there is no evidence to support it.

    There is some evidence to refute it in the way the Earth rotates around the Sun that gives an indication of the mass of the Earth that is inconsistent with it being hollow. Also the pattern of seismic waves through the Earth given an indication of the density of rock inconsistent with the Hollow Earth hypothesis. It is inconsistent with the Earth formation theories that exist. Accretion discs have no known way to form hollow balls, only solid ones. You could think up ever more elaborate schemes to fit the data that maintained a hollow Earth but they would have no scientific credibility unless they could be tested.

    I could copy and paste stuff from Wikipedia to cover the background, but it would be easier for you to just type hollow earth theory into google.

  2. its impossible if the earth were holow it would be a total waste land with less gravitatinal pull wich would send the moon out like a slingshot and the moon and the sun control the tides so then we would be sol. and come on were does lava come from

  3. Your mom thats where Lava comes from LOL J/K Umm caves uhh nope got ntohing sorry

  4. This is really more in the realm of a fantasy than even a weak of today.

    The idea dates from the Middle Ages when most of our knowledge about the subsurface came from miners.  Not surprisingly, they were of the view that one should be able to either follow natural caverns (which seemed always to go deeper), or dig your way, all the way to the Earth's center.  This was such a popular idea for SO long that it was the basic idea behind J. Verne's book, "Journey to the Center of the Earth".   It's worth noting though, that even then (late 1800s), the great thinkers of the day had abandoned the idea.

  5. It's a shoddy hypothesis. People can find ways to make anything seem concievable. There is absolutely no way that Earth could be hollow.

  6. the earth is definitly not hollow!

  7. Hi Kris.  Hollow Earth Theory states that the Earth is hollow on the inside and that an advanced civilization lives and coexists with us, at the center of the Earth.  Hollow Earth Theory states that there are certain caves that lead to the center of the Earth.  

    Interesting part is that UFOs have been seeing going in and out of volcanoes, which could lead to the center of the Earth as well.

    So the theory says that we co-exist with another civilization that shares this Earth with us, except that they have been here much longer than we have.

    Earth belongs to them, we are destroying it.

  8. nope i don no! :D

  9. It was very popular in the 19th century before anyone had visited the north and south poles. There has been some entertaining science fiction written on the topic - e.g. Jules Verne "A Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1864).

    All of modern geology, astronomy and physics contradicts the idea.

  10. Slap my hand for being mean, but I attribute the hollow earth "theory" to the hollow head syndrome  :)

  11. History of the Hollow Earth Theory

    The Hollow Earth Theory has been around for a long time. While the first concepts were crude, this 'crazy' idea has slowly developed into a viable alternative to the solid Earth model. In light from today's technology, many of our findings point towards a hollow structure as the only method to explain many of today's scientific findings.

    There are four main hollow Earth models. Lets briefly discuss each one.

    Hollow Earth Models

    The Concentric Spheres Hollow Earth Model

    The Polar Holes Hollow Earth Model

    The Inverted Earth Hollow Earth Model

    The Complete Shell Hollow Earth Model

    The Concentric Spheres Hollow Earth Model

    Perhaps the earliest hollow Earth concept was proposed by Edmund Halley in 1692. His ideas were developed while trying to understand the Earth's magnetic field. In order to explain the complex movements of the field, Halley concluded that there must be at least 4 concentric shells each with their own magnetic properties. The movement of each shell relative to the others allowed distinctive areas of the field to wander around the globe.

    The Polar Holes Hollow Earth Model

    The most famous hollow Earth model includes huge polar holes between 2000 and 4000 kilometres across that open to the interior of the planet. Many hollow Earth investigators have gone looking for these holes but nothing has ever been found. Today's satellite technology has proven that such holes are a total myth. In this theory the centre of the planet harbours a central sun that provides light and heat to the world within.

    The Inverted Earth Hollow Earth Model

    This little known concept is the most bizarre of hollow Earth ideas. It works on the principle that we are actually living inside a hollow planet right now and the centre of the planet is a point infinitely far away. All the other planets, the moon, satellites and the sun revolve around this central point.

    The Complete Shell Hollow Earth Model

    Developed by us, this is the most advanced hollow Earth model today. Based on a combination of the hollow Earth and expanding Earth theories, it provides an alternate explanation for the drifting continents phenomenon thus making the tired Plate Tectonics theory obsolete.

    Based on our current understanding of gravity The Land of No Horizon shows how the accumulation of matter during the planet forming process naturally produces a planet structured differently to what is currently theorised. It is also shown how a planet hollows out and expands under its own gravitational power.

    The hollow planet structure can explain many mysteries that have plagued us for centuries such as unusual Impact crater characteristics on terrestrial planets, the mysterious Red Spot on Jupiter and seismic wave data from earthquakes here on Earth. Understanding outgassing and atmosphere formation on a hollow planet model helps us explain past mysteries such as the great flood on Earth and the Floods on Mars.

    An expanding Earth provides the driving force behind the drifting continents, mountain building and earthquakes and is also accountable for changing the value of gravity over time. In the past when the Earth was smaller centrifugal force from a much faster speed of rotation reduced the affects of gravity in equatorial regions. This reduction of gravity is what allowed the great dinosaurs and all past life to grow to much larger sizes.

    The land of No Horizon Book investigates all these areas in great detail explaining at length how all these processes work together. You will be suprised just how viable the Hollow Earth theory has become.

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