
Anyone know anything about their "god" that they didn't learn from a human in some way? ?

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I really don't understand how you cannot see that religion, gods and any other spiritualism etc is all just a massive con.

I know that the world is a big scary place, and the fact that we all die is a bit of a bummer, but come on, its so obvious it leads me dumbfounded...

Convince me otherwise please,

Anyone know anything about their "god" that they didn't learn from a human in some way?




  1. What would i do to trigger something in your heart ? So you would accept God,  is has A living God and Jesus died for the world.The time will come and  All will see the truth . I can't make you believe.

    But GOD BLESS  

  2. Several times.

    After recieving the Holy Spirit I have had encounters with the hand of YHVH - (God) - on many occasions.  He has taught me that He loves me as a Son and that this life is not as important as we make it.

    The only way that the Creator will come to you, is if you go to Him.  If you don't believe - that's fine - it's your choice.  But I'm telling you that the Father is VERY real.  

    Take that step and find out.


  3. The Flying Spaghetti Monster has visited me on several occasions.  He isn't very informative but he always brings his own beer!

  4. I once asked God how he felt about something.

    There is no way to describe the depth of emotion that came over me... the likes of which I have never before nor since felt.

    God is not a hoax. He IS.

  5. Yes God has shown many things including precise future occurrences. I have witnessed therefore that the mind of God is capable of time travel.

  6. The funny thing is What I had learned from humans didn't convince me there was a higher power, it taught me to be fearful if I didn't believe I would go to h**l.

    Once I stepped out of the Christain religions I was free to believe what I chose, and in that I realized there was indeed some kind of higher power. I asked for signs, and received them! I asked for guidance, and found my path. In all I kept faith, and with that was enlightened with knowledge. In that I have no fear of what comes next for that is what I have been preparing and learning for this entire existance.


  7. no

  8. yes...just like you can read a story or watch a movie and say thats nice...but when you experience it for yourself it comes can read about God love...but you have to experience before it becomes real...

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