
Anyone know good volleyball quotes...?

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tell me some please!!




  1. Spike it?

  2. S I - S I D - S I D E O U T - SIDEOUT! ________(team name) - SIDEOUT _______(team name)!

    Wwhoa ACE! Shake that ACE!

    Hit the ball sideout, sideout hit the ball sideout!

  3. um my coach told me this one one time.. " THe middle of the court is the teams pride, it doesn't belong to any one single person, yet is everyones responsibility."

    i think its pretty deep

  4. on defense

    "you guys are like American Express, stop Charging!"

  5. "there no crying in volleyball" oh wait that's baseball.

  6. "kill it"

    my team: "there's no running in volleyball" (we only ran if we lost a scrimage in practice and that was just to make us try harder- there really isn't much running in volleyball and my coach would rather us play volleyball for conditioning- we came in 6th in the state when i was a senior, so it has to work) use this on your coach, if he's nice

    "side out"

    i don't think there's many quotes, but there's usually inside jokes of the team' least there was on mine- i'm not really sure of others....sorry i didn't help much

  7. "always try your best"

  8. "Nothing but net."

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