
Anyone know how 2 persuade parents to purchase a cruise?

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Time's running out. Only have 6-7 more days until final day of final purchase charges. Need help fast. Nothing too expensive.




  1. Is it about the money or just the cruising thing?

  2. Well, you could show them this article on why cruising is popular -- main points are how relaxing it is and the really good value relative other vacations:

    Good luck!

  3. Yes. Omg i am an expert at it. I have persuaded my parents into taking a cruise THREE times! I easy but you just have to now how they work. For example bring it up lightly during a family meal or when they are in a good mood. Bring up points about family bonding time and how you will all make some many memories. Compare the cruise with more expensive cruises and tell them how much money you would save. But it differs for everyone and you know your parents the best so tell them thing they want to hear and leave out the stuff we want to hear. GOOD LUCK!!

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