I am 12 weeks pregnant and suffering from very bad morning sickness - all day and every day. My first pregnancy.. was nothing at all like this. Since about 6 weeks, the nausea has simply been getting worse and progressing to vomitting. I've tried EVERYTHING including: ginger tea, different ginger tea concoctions/flavours, Angel Mama's Morning Wellness tea, papaya, granny smith apples, and I now wear the Queaze Eaze bands for seasickness. Although the bands work best and I feel better.. I still feel pretty bad. I need to know if anyone knows how long food has to stay in your stomach for your body to absorb the most important nutrients. I typically vomit about 1.5 to 2 hours after eating lunch and/or dinner.
Please DO NOT suggest medication. In Canada, my midwife said the only one they prescribe is Dicletin which has been scientifically proven to be harmful and is no longer prescribed in the US as the FDA forced the manufacturer to pull it from the market. It was called another name then - I think Bendectin.
Thank you.