
Anyone know how much attic insulation typically costs?

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My house was built in the 50's and it is very poorly insulated and becomes extremely hot in the summer. Any suggestions on what type of insulation would be best, as well as how much it usually costs? Thanks!!




  1. 2$ every year

  2. my house is really old to and we just got insulation put in. we got the kind that is sprayed in. it caused 700 dollars :]

  3. Ours costed us $3600

  4. i suggest going to home depot and asking or checking out insulation materials.

  5. forget it, its usless. Smere creamy, warm, f***s on your walls to keep the heat in and the cold out. A little history fact, the ancient egyptians used their walls as wipes so that their p**p would harden and insulate the walls. Remember, the steamier and creamier the better!

    Good Luck...and remember, have fun with it!

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