
Anyone know how my friend should do this??

by  |  earlier

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My friend called me today and told me that she has been looking for work in her area for a week now. But she has had no luck. She doesnt have any degrees or anything and shes looking for a part time job, so shes not looking into the big jobs you know just minimum wage jobs and something local. Its not for the income just the extra cash i guess. But i think that she has only been driving by places and getting application from ones that say help wanted or now hiring. I told her to try and go inside of the places shes interested in too because maybe they didnt put a sign up but still need someone. What do you guys think? Should she go inside or do you think it would be a waste of time for her. I couldnt see how it would hurt shes already wasted a week with no results. Any help on what i should tell her? Thanks.




  1. She should definiately go in and talk to the people, it shows more initiative.  I used to manage a store for a few years and NEVER put out a help wanted sign.  

    Edit:  Vicseo doesn't know what the heck he's talking about here (he has many good posts, but this isn't one of them).  Those agencies are for skilled personel, not the "grunts" like your friend seems to be.  Plus, they take about 1/3 of the pay for themselves and bind you to a one year (non-compete....but rarely enforced in CA as an empolyee at-will state) agreement before you are allowed to work for the company you are temping for.

    Tell her to get her GED at the very least!!!

  2. If your friend is seeking office work, then go online and check the jobs at or call up Voit for further info.  Again, the majority of high-paying jobs are monopolized by job agencies and you don't need a college degree either!

    Good luck!

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