
Anyone know how to become an officiant for a civil ceromony wedding?

by Guest62693  |  earlier

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I'm trying to find a website for someone to become an officiant for a civil ceremony and I can only find websites that will ordain people for religious or non-denominational ceremonies. Any help would be great!




  1. In most places, becoming ordained will give you the authority to perform civil ceremonies.

  2. You do need to be ordained (or a justice of the peace) in most (if not all) states.

    Double check your state's website to find out how you can legally marry a couple.

    I'm in Missouri, and you have to be:

    An ordained minister in good standing (active or retired)

    AND one (or both) of the people getting married need to be members of your congregation.

    I am ordained through the Universal Life Church, which I highly recommend. As for my congregation, the last couple I married, I asked them "You're a member of my congregation, right?" They both emphatically agreed.

    I don't have a church or anything, but they do come to me for guidance sometimes.


    If you want to be as far away from religion as possible, look into becoming a Justice of the Peace.

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